Monday Motivation

In honour of Lord Alfred Tennyson (who would have been 109 today), one of the few poets I had ever read before this year.


On either side the river lie

Long fields of barley and of rye,

That clothe the world and meet the sky

And thro’ the field the road runs by

To many-tower’d Camelot;

(from The Lady of Shalott)



Where do you read? Do you have a book in the car and your bag? Do you have a different book for bedtime?

I always have a book in my bag. I even took a book to Disneyland many years ago, much to the surprise of the security guard at the gate, who told me it wasn’t something he often saw. I tend to keep one that is easy to read in my bag, one that doesn’t require lots of concentration, or a re-read because often I am reading where there is a lot of noise. Thicker books, or ones that require a bit more concentration I read at night, propped up in bed with a cup of tea. It is my favourite part of the day.

I came across the Tea and Ink Society list for “Improving your Reading Life” and realised that while I have often made reading time special, and will savor a good book I have never matched my books to the seasons. I am now intrigued. We are coming out of a dry winter, so any suggestions for books that might match this season are welcome.

Loving stationery as much as I do, I can’t believe I had never heard of a commonplace book, but am loving the idea of starting a book to record not just what I have read, but all those bits that I want to remember from the book. It probably beats my current method of just fulling the book with post-it notes that I then forget about until I go to loan the book to someone. Best of all I now have an excuse to go out and buy a beautiful notebook.

Happy weekend friends.

WIP – Skill

Happy Wednesday friends.

Not a skill that I have learnt this month, but a series of videos that I stumbled across, that make me want to delve into making more and more. The Victoria and Albert Museum in London is an astonishing, wonderful place full of amazing design and clothes, and ceramics, and is the sort of place that I could spend days in. I was lucky enough to have a couple of hours there, nearly 20 years ago, and have been dreaming of a trip that would take me back to London with a couple of days (without kids and husband) to just explore all that the museum has to offer. I was thrilled to discover that they have a YouTube channel, and went on a very pleasant afternoon exploring dyeing of textiles and making clothes out of paper and all sorts of fabulous creative content.

Have a fabulous time exploring, and be inspired by some amazing artists out there.