Monday Motivation

It is Monday again – how does that keep happening?

I stumbled across two old posts from Modern Mrs Darcy last week that have resonated with where I am right now, and I hope they encourage you.

The first post is about doing something every day that you love. Read the whole post here. It got me thinking about what I love, and back to my theme of the year about embracing moments. I am thinking that these can be simple moments, that include enjoying my kids who are home on school holidays, but also remembering that making things, every day is important to me. It can be simple, but it is worth making time for every day.

The second post is about “the tension between what is and what could be“. It really hit the spot last week, and I am embracing the idea of what are my Big 3 every day. Today it is a big 1, I have a big deadline, and it takes away the need to ask the question, but I am loving this question for helping me set my priorities daily.


Happy Monday!



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